by Martin Weinelt

Please set a proper User-Agent when scraping, so we can reach out to you, when you are overloading the machine!

by Graham Christensen

Status resources: Grafana,, and the queue runner status.

by Eelco Dolstra

If you are experiencing problems, please report them here.

The following projects are hosted on this server:

Id Name Description
composer2nix composer2nix Deploy PHP composer packages with the Nix package manager
disnix Disnix Disnix, a Nix-based distributed service deployment tool
dwarffs DwarfFS
experimental-nix-installer Experimental Nix Installer A fork of the Determinate Nix Installer ( to experiment with upstreaming.
flakes Flakes
gnu GNU GNU's Not Unix
hydra Hydra Hydra, the Nix-based continuous build system
nix Nix Nix, the purely functional package manager
nixops NixOps NixOS-based network/cloud deployment tool
nixos NixOS NixOS, the purely functional Linux distribution
nix-pills nix-pills The missing explanations from the more formal documents.
nixpkgs Nixpkgs Nix Packages collection
node2nix node2nix Deploy NPM packages with the Nix package manager
node-hydra-connector Node Hydra connector Node module and CLI providing Hydra integration
ofborg ofborg OfBorg automation
patchelf PatchELF A tool for modifying ELF binaries
acoda Acoda Acoda is a tool set for automatic data migration along an evolving data model
cabal2nix cabal2nix Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions
coccinelle Coccinelle Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation engine that provides support for semantic patches
crawljax Crawljax Crawljax
equinix-metal-builders Equinix Metal builders NixOS systems for's Equinix Metal builders.
groove Groove Groove
libchop libchop libchop, tools & library for data backup and distributed storage
linux-on-mac-builder Linux on Mac builder An easy to use Linux builder for macOS
ltsmin LTSmin LTSmin
meta-environment Meta Environment Meta Environment
mobile-nixos Mobile NixOS NixOS, for your phone
mobl Mobl Mobl
mturk MTurk Amazon Mechanical Turk tests
nix-androidenvtests Nix android tests Tests for the Android build environment in Nixpkgs
psat PSAT PHP analysis tools
spoofax Spoofax Spoofax related projects
strategoxt StrategoXT StrategoXT
strategoxt-docs StrategoXT documentation StrategoXT documentation
strategoxt-java StrategoXT Java StrategoXT Java packages
tribler Tribler A peer-to-peer client
uuagc UU Attribute Grammar Universiteit Utrecht Attribute Grammar Compiler
uulib UU Haskell Lib Universiteit Utrecht Parser combinator library and pretty printer
webdsl WebDSL A domain-specific language for developing dynamic web applications with a rich data model